Mystery Quilt Alongs Stars of the Prairie

Stars of the Prairie Mystery Quilt

Welcome to the 2021 Create with Claudia Stars of the Prairie mystery quilt. This is a monthly event with a new block (or blocks) announced at the beginning of each month.

Inspired by the carefree beauty of the prairies, this quilt design features various blocks that are set in an irregular pattern. There is a quite a bit of background area (negative space) so you can show off your quilting skills.

The 2020 mystery quilt along was a big success, with so many beautiful versions of the quilt. I can’t wait to see what 2021 brings.

If you are joining in for 2021, you may want to join the facebook group to see what other people are doing. You can also see the progress over on my Instagram channel using the hashtag #createwithclaudiaqal.

Stars of the prairie mystery quilt
Yellow flowers shine like the sun in a prairie

Please read all instructions carefully before starting.

Here is what you need to know:

  • Finished quilt top will measure approximately 72โ€ x 84โ€.
  • A ยผ inch seam allowance is used throughout the quilt.
  • One new block will be released at the beginning of each month, for the first 11 months of the year. Depending on the month, you may be making more than one of the blocks. In December the quilt top gets assembled.
  • Along with a printable pattern, a video tutorial will be available for each month.
  • Skill Level: Advanced Beginner/Intermediate. Blocks do get a bit trickier as the months go along but they are manageable.

*Download the 2021 Stars of the Prairie Mystery Quilt Information Here*

Stars of the prairie mystery quilt
Blazing Star (Liatris)

Fabric Requirements (amounts given are generous):

Here’s my fabric pull for this mystery quilt. The pale green on the bottom is my background fabric.

While fabric choices are ultimately up to the quilt maker, to help make sure those stars of the prairie really shine in this pattern, please strongly consider the following suggestions:

  • Use the same background fabric throughout the quilt.
  • Make the background light or dark.
  • Choose a background fabric that is not busy.

*Total Background Fabric: 5 yards (this is enough for every month if you are using the same background fabric (recommended) each month).

Once a month is published, I will add the link here so you can see the blocks that have been done.

January: 2 3/8 yards of background fabric* plus 2 other fabrics: one 1/3 yard & one 1/8 yard

February: ยฝ yard of background fabric* plus 2 other fat quarters

March: ยผ yard of background fabric* plus 3 other fabrics: fat quarter, 1/8 yard & a 6 ยฝ inch square

April: ยผ yard of background fabric* plus 2 other fat quarters

May: ยผ yard of background fabric* plus 3 other fabrics: One fat eighth, one 7โ€ square, & one 8โ€ square

June: 1/3 yard of background fabric* plus 2 other fabrics: 2 fat quarters

July: 1/3 yard of background fabric* plus 4 other fabrics: 1 fat quarter, 2 fat eighths & one 5โ€ square

August: Fat eighth of background fabric* plus 3 other fabrics: 1 fat quarter, 1 fat eighth & one 6 ยฝ inch square

September: ยผ yard of background fabric* plus 3 other fabrics: 2 fat quarters & one 6 ยฝ inch square

October: ยผ yard of background fabric* plus 5 other fabrics: 4 fat eighths, & one 6 ยฝ inch square

November: ยผ yard of background fabric* plus 3 other fabrics; 2 fat quarters & 1 Fat eighth

December: No fabric is needed because we are assembling it this month.

Stars of the prairie mystery quilt
Lemon yellow flowers looking delicate in a prairie.

Tools and Supplies

No special tools or supplies are needed for this quilt, only standard sewing supplies, a sewing machine, quilterโ€™s ruler, cutting mat, and rotary cutter.

Links to tools are affiliate links. As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying links.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Can I make the quilt larger or smaller? Because of the asymmetry of the pattern, that will make it difficult. However, if you are a more experienced quilter, you may be able to rearrange the blocks to make the quilt a different size. One way you could make it larger is by adding a border.
  • When can I get the next block? Blocks will be released at the beginning of each month. They will be on my website as well as on my YouTube channel. If you signed up for my newsletter, you will receive an email at the beginning of each month with the pattern in it. If you signed up for the email, but donโ€™t receive it, please check your spam folder. It may have gone there.
  • How much does it cost? The pattern and tutorials are free. The only cost to you is whatever fabric(s) and supplies you may need to purchase.
  • Can I see what other people are making? Yes you can. There is a Facebook group for the mystery quilt that people post pictures of their blocks too. Also, a number of people post pictures on their Instagram accounts. Make sure to use the hashtag #createwithclaudiaqal so everyone can see your beautiful blocks.
  • Are there any prizes or giveaways? Unfortunately no, but if you participate each month you end up with a beautiful quilt.
Stars of the prairie mystery quilt
Prairie Milkweed

Why a Stars of the Prairie Mystery Quilt?

I have always wanted to see the prairies out west. I would love to stand in a windswept prairie looking at the flowers, or lie on my back and gaze at the stars above. Iโ€™m fascinated by their beauty. While nowhere near the size and scope of those out west, we are fortunate to have a small prairie near us. In the spring, summer and fall, the flowers put on a show and, to me, they are the real stars.

Whether your stars of the prairie are flowers, the ones in the sky, or something else, I hope you will consider giving this 2021 Stars of the Prairie mystery quilt a try. Itโ€™s going to be lots of fun!

*This mystery quilt along is for entertainment purposes only. Therefore, there are no prizes or giveaways.* Best efforts have been made to ensure that the instructions are correct, however sometime errors occur. If you have any questions, please contact us at claudia{at}createwithclaudia{dot}com*

2020 Mystery Quilt

If you like mystery quilts, make sure to check out my first one. It’s a smaller one and is still available here and on my YouTube channel.

Happy Quilting!

  • Claudia


  1. Karen Sebben

    November 16, 2020 at 9:11 AM

    How does one join the quilt along? Do we check in each month for block instructions?

    1. createwithclaudia_7j76hs

      November 16, 2020 at 10:32 AM

      I post the monthly blog post on my facebook page (Create with Claudia) or the facebook quilt along group page ( ). I also announce it in an Instagram post and on twitter. Another good way is to sign up for my email list. I email the pattern out in my newsletter. Thanks for your interest.

  2. Cindi

    November 16, 2020 at 11:19 AM

    I have been doing the 2020 mystery quilt and I’m anxiously waiting for December to assemble the blocks!
    I just want to make sure that as long as we are signed up for your newsletter we will get the monthly blocks for the 2021 mystery quilt? Is that correct?

    1. createwithclaudia_7j76hs

      November 16, 2020 at 7:07 PM

      Yep you will. I just send out the pattern in my regular email.

  3. Sherri ANN Eley

    November 16, 2020 at 1:53 PM

    If you use facebook for the blocks each month that leaves me out. Facebook is a courrupt platform and I got off of it a couple of years ago for that reason. So those of us who do not use facebook are left out?

    1. createwithclaudia_7j76hs

      November 16, 2020 at 7:07 PM

      I use various formats…facebook, Instagram, twitter and if you sign up for my email list, I send the pattern out at the beginning of each month. Hope you will think about joining.

  4. Sherry

    November 16, 2020 at 3:15 PM

    I would love to do this. Do I pick out my fabric now or do I wait for further instructions?

    1. createwithclaudia_7j76hs

      November 16, 2020 at 7:10 PM

      It’s completely up to you when you pick your fabrics. Some people pick it out now, some people wait. I even had a person wait until we were a couple of months into this year before she decided on her fabrics.

  5. Nuria

    November 16, 2020 at 4:16 PM

    Wow! I am eager to start your new Mystery quilt along. I followed your 2020 qal and it was so fun and instructive. Thanks for your time!

    1. createwithclaudia_7j76hs

      November 16, 2020 at 7:08 PM

      Thanks for joining in!

  6. Susan

    November 17, 2020 at 10:46 AM

    How much contrast should the background fabric be compared to the other fabrics being used?

  7. Susan

    November 17, 2020 at 10:57 AM

    I also have questions about the other colors:
    When a block calls for 2 different fabrics (other than the background fabric), how much contrast do those fabrics need with each other?
    Should they need to be different in each block?
    Can you tell us the color palate you are using?
    You can probably tell, mystery QALs make me anxious. I worry about what fabrics to pick, because I can’t afford to waste it. That is why I usually just collect the instructions and attempt to make it after I see the finished quilt.

    1. createwithclaudia_7j76hs

      November 17, 2020 at 1:32 PM

      Colors are really up to the maker. It’s also up to you if your fabrics are different for every block. Everyone has their own preferences. If mystery quilts do make you anxious like you said, you may want to wait until all of the instructions are out before you start it.

      I’ll be releasing my fabric pull in a couple of days, it’s greens, yellows, oranges and purples.

      As far as contrast goes, I personally think the more contrast, the more the blocks will stand out, but again, it’s really up to the maker.

      I’m glad you are thinking about joining in, but if mystery quilts aren’t your favorite thing, you may be more comfortable trying a quilt along instead. Many quilt bloggers host them and the nice thing about them is that you see the whole quilt design from the beginning so you can get a better idea of what you want to do and if you like the pattern.

      1. Annette Udey

        April 12, 2021 at 10:57 PM

        Is your colors from a fat quarter bundle? If so, how many different ones are you using ?

        1. createwithclaudia_7j76hs

          April 13, 2021 at 5:30 AM

          I used a couple of fat quarters for my quilt, but it is mostly fabric from my stash. I did buy fabric for the pale green background. There is a complete list by month for how much fabric is needed. Hope that helps.

  8. Susan Rizzi

    December 14, 2020 at 3:32 PM

    How much total background is needed?

    1. createwithclaudia_7j76hs

      December 14, 2020 at 4:11 PM

      5 yards.


    December 31, 2020 at 7:29 PM

    I made the 2020 mystery quilt and it turn out so cute enjoyed doing the blocks every month can not wait to start 2021got my background fabric ready to startso when do we begin

  10. Lisa earnesty

    January 7, 2021 at 8:18 PM

    I love to shop my stash. Other than the background fabric, would I be able to make this scrappy?

    1. createwithclaudia_7j76hs

      January 8, 2021 at 5:16 AM

      Definitely! I posted a picture of my fabric pull on fb and on instagram. I’ll have to update this article to include it.

  11. Annette Udey

    April 12, 2021 at 10:55 PM

    Can you tell me how many fat quarters I need to et to do this quilt ?

    1. createwithclaudia_7j76hs

      April 13, 2021 at 5:27 AM

      There is a list by month in this article which tells you what fabric you need for each month. Not every month uses fat quarters. Glad you are joining in.

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